Rocket.Chat Receipe
- Official Website:
- Icon Support: Yes
- Message Format: Text
- Message Limit: 1000 Characters per Message
Rocket.Chat can send notifications through the following modes:
- webhook: A configured Incoming webhook (this can be set up in the admin area)
- basic: A user/password combination.
Secure connections (via https) should be referenced using rockets:// where as insecure connections (via http) should be referenced via rocket://.
Basic Mode
Valid receipes are as follows:
- rocket://{user}:{password}@{hostname}/#{channel}
- rocket://{user}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}/#{channel}
- rocket://{user}:{password}@{hostname}/{room_id}
- rocket://{user}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}/{room_id}
- rockets://{user}:{password}@{hostname}/#{channel}
- rockets://{user}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}/#{channel}
- rockets://{user}:{password}@{hostname}/{room_id}
- rockets://{user}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}/{room_id}
You can also form any combination of the above and perform updates from one url:
- rocket://{user}:{password}@{hostname}/#{channel_id}/{room_id}
For the Basic Mode Only: if neither a {room_id} or #{channel} is specified then this notification will fail.
Webhook Mode
Valid receipes are as follows:
- rocket://{webhook}@{hostname}/#{channel}
- rocket://{webhook}@{hostname}/{room_id}
- rocket://{webhook}@{hostname}/{@user}
- rockets://{webhook}@{hostname}/#{channel}
- rockets://{webhook}@{hostname}:{port}/#{channel}
- rockets://{webhook}@{hostname}/{room_id}
- rockets://{webhook}@{hostname}:{port}/{room_id}
You can also form any combination of the above and perform updates from one url:
- rocket://{webhook}@{hostname}:{port}/#{channel_id}/{room_id}/@{user}
By default a webhook is set up to be associated with a channel. Thus the following syntax is also valid:
- rocket://{webhook}@{hostname}/
Parameter Breakdown
Variable | Required | Description |
user | *Yes | The user identifier you've associated with your Rocket.Chat server. This is only required if you are not providing a webhook instead. This can be optionally combined with the webhook if you wish to over-ride the bot name. |
password | *Yes | The password identifier you've associated with your Rocket.Chat server. This is only required if you are not providing a webhook instead |
webhook | *Yes | The incoming webhook you created and associated with your Rocket.Chat server . This is only required if you are not providing a webhook instead |
hostname | Yes | The Rocket.Chat server you're sending your notification to. |
port | No | The port the Rocket.Chat server is listening on. By default the port is 80 for rocket:// and 443 for all rockets:// references. |
room_id | No | A room identifier. Available for both basic and webhook modes. |
channel | No | Channels must be prefixed with a hash (#) or they will be interpreted as a room_id. Available for both basic and webhook modes. Channels must be registered with your Rocket.Chat server to work. |
user_id | No | Another user you wish to notify. User IDs must be prefixed with an at symbol (@). Available for the webhook mode only. |
mode | No | The authentication mode is automatically detected based what it parses from the URL provided. You only need to set this if you feel it is being detected incorrectly. The possible modes are basic and webhook and are explained above. |
avatar | No | Override the default avatar associated with the message to match that of the notification type (be that of a Warning, Error, Info, etc). By default this is set to Yes. |