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Office 365 Receipe

  • Official Website: n/a
  • Icon Support: no
  • Attachment Support: no
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 32768 Characters per message

Note: At this time, this plugin requires that you have administrative permissions on your Azure email infrastructure.


  • o365://{tenant_id}:{account_email}/{client_id}/{client_secret}/
  • o365://{tenant_id}:{account_email}/{client_id}/{client_secret}/{targets}

Parameter Breakdown

tenant_idYesThe Tenant ID Associated with your Azure Application you created. This can also be referred to as your Directory ID.
account_emailYesThe Email Associated with your Azure account.
client_idYesThe Client ID Associated with your Azure Application you created. This can also be referred to as your Application ID.
client_secretYesYou will need to generate one of these; this can be done through the Azure portal (Also documented below).
fromNoIf you want the email address ReplyTo address to be something other then your own email address, then you can specify it here.
toNoThis will enforce (or set the address) the email is sent To. By default the email is sent to the address identified by the account_email


  • If no targets are specified, then the notification is just sent to the address identified by {account_email}

Tenant ID, Client ID, and Secret ID Acquisition

You will need to have a valid Microsoft Personal Account AND you will require Administrative access unfortunately (to access the Mail.Send Application Permission). More details can be found here about registering your app with Azure.

But basically it amounts to:

  1. From the Azure Portal go to Microsoft Active Directory -> App Registrations (alt link)
  2. Click new -> give any name (your choice) in Name field -> select personal Microsoft accounts only --> Register
  3. From here (the Overview panel) you can acquire both the Directory (tenant) ID and the Application (`client_id') you will need.
  4. To create your client_secret , go to Active Directory -> Certificate & Tokens -> New client secret
    • The client_secret is an auto-generated string which may have @ and/or ? character(s) in it. You will need to encode these characters to when pasting this into your Magic Receipe URL. See the note section above for more details on how to do this.
  5. Now need to set permission Active directory -> API permissions -> Add permission.
  6. Click on Microsoft Graph
  7. Click on Application Permissions and search for Mail.Send; You will want to check this box too on the match found.
  8. Set the Redirect URI (Web) to the following:
    1. You can do this from the Authentication -> Add a platform
    2. Choose Web Application.
    3. Enter the URI
  9. Now you're good to go. 🙂