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IFTTT (If This Than That) Receipe

  • Official Website:
  • Icon Support: No
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 32768 Characters per message

Account Setup

Creating a IFTTT account is easy. Visit there website and create your free account.

Once you're hooked up, you'll want to visit this URL on Webhooks. This will be the gateway Magic Receipe will use to signal any Applets you create. When you visit this page it will give you your API key in the form of a URL.

The URL might something like this:

This effectively equates to:{WebhookID}

In the above example the WebhookID is b1lUk7b9LpGakJARKBwRIZ. You will need this value!


Valid receipes are as follows:

  • ifttt://{WebhookID}@{Event}/
  • ifttt://{WebhookID}@{Event1}/{Event2}/{EventN}/
  • ifttt://{WebhookID}@{Event}/?+NewArg=ArgValue
  • ifttt://{WebhookID}@{Event}/?-value3

By default these are the the assign default template entries:

  • {value1} : The title will go here
  • {value2} : The body will go here
  • {value3} : The message type will go here (it will read either info, warning, critical, or success)

Parameter Breakdown

WebhookIDYesYour webhooks API Key you got from the settings area of the webhooks service itself
EventYesThis is the Event Name you assigned to the Applet you created. You must at least pass in one of these. This is the event plan on triggering through the webhook.
+Arg=ValNoAdd an additional {Arg} into the payload and assign it the value of {Val}. It's very important that your argument starts with a plus (+) symbol in order to use this option.
-ArgNoThis is useful if you want to eliminate one of the pre-defined arguments discussed below. You might want to include ?-value1&-value2 to just pass value3 in the payload. It's very important that your argument starts with a hyphen/minus (-) symbol in order to use this option. As mentioned above, your payload will ALWAYS include value1, value2, and value3 in it unless you specify otherwise.